Walk (or Run) for Autism

Virtual Run, 15 Maret 2021

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URL singkat: https://ayolari.in/l/2124

Walk for Autism (WFA) has been held since 2016 and is a concrete form of JCI East Java's desire to have a positive impact on the society. This social activity is to celebrate the World Autism Awareness Day which falls on 2 April each year and to show our care for autistic friends.

This year we have to hold this event virtually, but we hope it is still impactful and brings awareness to the general public about what autism is.

Traditionally one of WFA's activities is walking together with our autistic friends, but since this is virtual participants can walk, run or ride while raising fund for our activities with autistic friends, friends with special needs and people with disabilities.

Kategori jarak: 25K, 50K, 100K and 200K

Informasi dan registrasi lomba online: https://iluvrun.com/Register?RaceID=146 

Kontak person registrasi lomba: 081217231264, 087853278043

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