Wilio Family Run 2019

We hear you, Family Runners! We are here to invite you to join in the fun at Wilio Family Run 2019. This year theme Junior Warrior, we prepare more challenging obstacles and prizes for you.

This year we are open for two (2) categories:

  • JUNIOR WARRIOR RUN is open for brave kids who are ready for more challenging obstacles. We prepare 3KM run-track  to excite and challenge you! This category is open for kid solo runner age 9 y.o - 13 y.o. 
  • FAMILY RUN is open for parent & kid who would love to have some fun and run together with family. We prepare 2KM run-track with obstacle safe for all runners. This category is included for 1 adult w/ min. age of 17 y.o and 1 kid age 4 y.o - 13 y.o. 

Bring all your family and friends to come with you and run together with #wiliosquad. Register now to get the early bird rate before it runs out!

Lets Run On, Discover!🏃🏃🏃

Psst, if you want to see our previous events, go check our Instagram account @wiliokids.

#wiliokids #runondiscover

Kategori jarak: 2K Family Run, 3K Junior Warrior

Registrasi: http://bit.ly/wiliorun2019 

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