The International Pasuruan Bromo Marathon

Marking the 10th year of the Pasuruan Bromo Marathon

The 10th anniversary of the Bromo Marathon is a significant milestone in the history of the event. Over the past decade, the marathon has grown to become one of the most anticipated running events in Indonesia, attracting runners from all over the world.

The success of the Bromo Marathon would not be possible without the participants, all the runners, who make the event a true celebration of adventure run, community, and culture.

It is a time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future. The anniversary is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the organizers, volunteers, and community members, supported by the government and all sponsors, in making the Bromo Marathon one of the most exciting and anticipated events in the region.

And this year, the adventure continues.

Kategori jarak: 42K, 21K, 10K, 5K, 2.5K Kids (New)

Informasi lomba: 

Registrasi lomba online: 

Kontak person registrasi lomba: Zul (0819 1726 4209)

Lokasi lomba: Plataran Bromo, Wonopolo, Ngadiwono, Kec. Tosari, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur

Jika ada informasi yang tidak akurat atau perubahan lomba mohon untuk menginformasikan kepada kami.
