Sibayak Altitude Run

Berastagi, Sumatera Utara, 30 April 2016

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Sibayak Altitude Run will be started from RAJA BERNEH, HOT SPRING SIBAYAK NCOLE, DOULU, BERASTAGI, on the early morning of Saturday, April 30th 2016. SIBAYAK ALTITUDE RUN will be started at 05.00 AM.
Hot Spring Sibayak Ncole will glow with of headlamps that will guide the participants in their first few miles of running at dawn.

They will come from all over the cities for this incredible race that embrace the most spectacular places of Hot Spring Ncole, Vegetable Plantations, and of course the beautiful of Sibayak Creater. A long journey on foot which will involve important participants who cross the finish line in 3 hours for 11 km and 5 hours for 18 km.


Kategori Lomba: 18k dan 11k

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