Prasmul Olympics 2016 Prisoners Escape: Rome

Tangerang, 4 Juni 2016

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PRISONERS ESCAPE presented by Prasmul Olympics is a thematic 5K Run that always comes up with unique different themes of Prisoners Escape each year, celebrating the spirit of freedom.

Regarding the success of last year Prisoners Escape from modern jail, this year, Prasmul Olympics offers you a new challenging mission:
to escape from the Roman Empire as the prisoners of war!

To make it even more challenging, the escape track is filled with every OBSTACLE the Roman Empire has to offer.

If you get through all obstacles and gain your freedom, Prasmul Olympics will also be providing a spectacular hype to release the tension with an amazing DJ Performances by Dipha Barus and March Maythem.

Now, a question remains.

Are you in, Prisoners? 


Kategori Jarak: 5KM

Tempat: Kampus Prasetiya Mulya BSD

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