MesaStila Peaks Challenge

Jawa Tengah, 8 Oktober 2016

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MesaStila Peaks Challenge is a unique and extreme trail running event that aims to challenge the inner spirit and the physical condition in the heart of Java. This year’s races will definitely be more challenging and offer more beautiful Javanese scenery, with five categories 100k/65k/42k/42k/21k/11k Escape onto unused tracks, overgrown jungle trails, small village roads, rice paddies, cross and climb up to five mountains in Central Java Mt. Andong 1726m, Mt. Merbabu 3145, Mt. Merapi 2930, Mt. Telomoyo 1894m and Mt. Gilipetung 1400m with a cumulative gain of up to 7758 m, finishing in the retreat of MesaStila


Kategori Lomba:

1. MesaStila 5 peaks challenge 100K (Sabtu-Minggu 8-9 Oktober 2016) COT 32jam

2. MesaStila 4 peaks challenge 65K (Sabtu-Minggu 8-9 Oktober 2016) COT 18jam

3. MesaStila Marathon 42K (Minggu 9 Oktober 2016) COT 12jam

4. MesaStila Half Marathon 21K (Minggu 9 Oktober 2016) COT 6jam

5. MesaStila Trail Run 11K (Minggu 9 Oktober 2016) COT 3jam


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