Marines Obstacle Run is a running activity to complete obstacles in a race to reach the finish line.
The obstacles that can be overcome can be solved in various ways such as crawling, jumping, climbing, or running through a muddy track. In collaboration with the Marine Corps, one of the Navy's main commandos, the obstacles provided are ensured to drive adrenaline like a soldier's training.
There will be 5 categories, personal male, personal female, group male, group female and Group of marines. One group consists of 4 (four) people, all men, or all women. The group winner is marked from the record of the time the group member last entered the finish line.
We are thrilled to present you the total prize pool of Marines Obstacle Run! Make sure to get yours and join us for an amazing Obstacle run event year 2019 with total prize 108,5 million IDR!
Kategori jarak: 7K
Informasi lomba:
Registrasi lomba online:
Registrasi lomba offline: Tribun Batam - Komplek MCP Industrial Park, Jalan Kerapu, Batu Ampar, Tj. Sengkuang, Batu Ampar, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29444
Kontak person registrasi lomba: 0822 8538 4141
Jika ada informasi yang tidak akurat atau perubahan lomba mohon untuk menginformasikan kepada kami.