RUN IT by Prasmul Olympics

RUN IT presented by Prasmul Olympics is a running race that celebrates every single motivation to run and, certainly, the love of running itself. We believe that YOU have your own personal encouragement to run and we support YOU to RUN IT. Bringing an experience of 5 and 10 kilometers races, RUN IT 2018 welcomes and challenges all the runners out there, and hopes to unite us altogether in a professional running race experience.

Kategori jarak: 5K,10K

Informasi lomba: 

Registrasi lomba online: 

Kontak person registrasi lomba: Felicia Stephanie (HP: 08118555999 line: feliciastephaniee) ; Fontana Ofira (HP: 081901455858 line: fontannaofira)

Jika ada informasi yang tidak akurat atau perubahan lomba mohon untuk menginformasikan kepada kami.
