Konstruksi Indonesia Fun Run

The KI Fun Run is a five-kilometer (5K), untimed event by The Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Republic of Indonesia, Construction Services Development Board with Tarsus Indonesia and Indonesia Muda Road Runner. Present 2000 participants who were accepted from public, professionals in the construction sector, as well as the runner community that was held in the Kebayoran Baru area. After the race is over, KI Fun Run features music entertainment events, bazzar, door prizes and other entertainment.

Kategori jarak: 5K

Informasi lomba: https://constructionindonesia.com/ki-fun-run 

Registrasi lomba online: http://imroadrunner.com/registration/kirun/registration5k.php 

Kontak person registrasi lomba: Admin 081326154974

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